Sunday 5 April 2009

The Islam of Taliban

I believe very strongly that the Taliban should be regarded as a part of the old dark ages when there was no freedom or civilization but psychological repression, torture and unjustified killing.

Wahhabism is the extremist sect to which the Taliban belong. I have to remind you that most -if not- all the suicidal killers who attacked New York, London, Madrid, Baghdad and other cities are followers of Wahhabism.In the minds of many trained Talibanized Wahhabi, to kill somebody who just happened to have different views is normal for them. This constitutes a main part of their believes. Also, Taliban believes that society is built around the full authority of men which led to the total exclusion of Women from public life when they governed Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001.

Iran's former President Mohammad Khatami in the 2002 described the Taliban as:

"The Islam of Taliban belongs to those who are portraying the beautiful religion of God as ugly with their repellent views and backward ideology as well as their fossilized habits and rigid-mindedness and their attitude towards religion is based on a bunch of illusions and antiquated habits."

When I saw the above video yesterday for the first time I felt very sick. However, when I thought for a while about Taliban's crimes in the past and current times, I told myself this barbaric act against an innocent little girl is the least that you would expect from such narrow minded and brainless killers.

I leave it for you to think and decide about the Islam of Taliban.


Anonymous said...


Here's my e-mail address:


Anonymous said...

The Taliban are not "Wahhabis."